Josh Payne

The Power of Elevating
Your Standards

Mike Ditka, the great football coach of the Chicago Bears, has often said, “You get what you tolerate.” If your life is less than you’d like it to be, perhaps your standards are too low. Are you comfortable with making less money than you deserve to make? Are you comfortable being 20 lbs. overweight? If… Continue reading The Power of Elevating
Your Standards

5 Steps to Elevate
your Mindset

Awareness – We can’t fix what we don’t know exists. However, once we are aware that limiting beliefs exist and that an upgraded life is available to us, there isn’t anything that can stop us. Belief – A great mentor once told me that each of us have a thread of success in our fabric… Continue reading 5 Steps to Elevate
your Mindset

3 Questions to
Improve Your Message

Who am I? Clearly identify who you are and how you want the world to see you.  Most people are clueless as to how the world sees them. We tend to have our own vision of ourselves in our mind, but it can widely differ from how others see us.  When we take time to… Continue reading 3 Questions to
Improve Your Message